USinG aRt To InSPiRe KiDs To WRiTe
Art Work Created by Students in the First Grade - Ages 6-7
Each And eVeRy Child has soMe artiStic Abilities.
My goal is to make writing a fun and effortless process for my students, while teaching them how to focus and concentrate, make decisions, solve problems, plan sequences, and develop hand-eye coordination. Last year, I have noticed astounding results with students who started the school year experiencing learning difficulties. Overall, reading and math levels improved for my students, and their problem-solving skills and concentration increased dramatically.
My students learn that you don’t have to wait for adulthood to become a writer or illustrator. It’s also okay if you’re not pleased with your artwork or if your writing isn’t perfect to form—we all improve with practice. And finally, we don’t need to worry about being “better” or “the best.” Each child learns to be proud of the products of their imagination. My students also realized that it is good to be inspired by another artist and to learn by attempting to copy their work. I learned just how well they learned this lesson when they spontaneously attempted to recreate their art teacher’s drawing of an eagle. I was amazed by their attention to detail and near-perfect replication of that eagle. By incorporating arts and crafts during my writing sessions and journaling at this young age, I hope to prevented negative feelings.
Hope you enjoy the same projects I have posted.
Please follow the link for more information on how we can help this teacher continue to inspire and motivate her students to become the next generation of authors and illustrators:
Picasso Inspired Art - Created by 6 and 7 year old first graders.
Mix Media - Paper, crayons, markers, watercolor paint, and fabric.
Mix Media - Kids were learning about how people around the world use masks to celebrate their heritage.
Kids really enjoyed using the highlighters to make their work pop. |
Owls and Cats - Created by 6 and 7 year old students. They used pens, construction paper, markers and highlighters. So much fun to see them create in their own unique ways.
Created for: "My crazy insect" science project. |
Each And eVeRy Child has soMe artiStic Abilities.
Picasso Inspired Art - Created by 6 and 7 year old first graders.
Students used: construction paper; markers; oil pastels, water color paint and colored pencils.
Please follow the link for more information on how we can help this teacher continue to inspire and motivate her students to become the next generation of authors and illustrators:
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